Because they opposed providing a blood transfusion to their 2-year old child in order to save his life, his parents ended up losing parental custody.
According to what is known, the child exhibited a state of severe chronic anemia. He was received into emergency care on Saturday, August 27 at the Sullana hospital to receive treatment. When his doctors ordered a transfusion, his parents opposed this.
As of last Wednesday, after this act was denounced at the Sullana precinct, the medical team of the Chirense medical facility were finally able to intervene by order of the Civil and Family Court of Sullana which had taken over the investigation.
“They told us they were going to give him blood to save his life, but we opposed this. We are Jehovah’s Witnesses and we base our beliefs in what the Bible says”, explained his mother, Janet Zeta.
“I have hope that, if my son should die, I will see him again in paradise because the Bible says so and Jehovah is God and not a human who would lie” she added.
Now, by judicial mandate, parental custody has been transferred to Janet Burneo Ramirez, social worker of the Public Ministry while the child recuperates from the intervention.
“The child could have died due to the grave state in which he was found and his parents’ opposition. For the time being, he will be in the hands of the Public Ministry”, informed an officer of the Sullana precinct.